Vaccine Injury Pros are located in Sioux City, Iowa, but can represent injured persons from each of the fifty United States.
This is because no matter where you are located or received the vaccination, vaccine injury claims are filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C.
Our attorneys are admitted to practice in the Court of Federal Claims and travel there when it is necessary to appear. They will also travel to see you when it is important to meet in person.
The attorneys and support staff at Vaccine Injury Pros are members of Moore, Corbett, Moeller & Meis, LLP, one of the Midwest's oldest and leading law firms.
The firm's diverse practice, depth of talent, and size give us the resources and experience needed to handle even the most complex vaccine injury claims.
Our attorneys do not seek inclusion in publications or designations that proclaim that they are “super,” “best” or “stars.”
Many of those are attained by asking other lawyers—not the clients they represent—to recommend them for the “honor.”
We choose instead to rely upon our skills, our dedication to the client, and obtaining the best results possible for those we serve.
Most people who get vaccines have no serious problems. But when they do, there is help.
The lawyers at Vaccine Injury Pros specialize in representing people who suffer a vaccine injury. We represent clients, no matter where they live, to receive the compensation they are entitled to, for their lost earnings, out-of-pocket medical expenses, and pain and suffering.
A vaccine injury occurs when you have a reaction or illness after receiving a covered vaccine. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) compensates people who have suffered a vaccine injury. Most lawyers who handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee—like car accidents, slip-and-falls, and workplace injuries—are not involved in these claims, or even know what they are. Our experienced attorneys represent clients with file claims in the VICP every day, from start to finish, at no charge.